1. Chen J-J, Kaufmann WA, Chen, C, Arai, I, Kim, O., Shigemoto R, and Jonas P (2024). Developmental transformation of Ca2+ channel–vesicle nanotopography at a central GABAergic synapse. Neuron, 112, 755-771.e9. Full article here.
  2. Koppensteiner P, Bhandari P, Önal C, Borges-Merjane C, Le Monnier E, Roy U, Nakamura Y, Sadakata T, Sanbo M, Hirabayashi M, Rhee J, Brose N, Jonas P, Shigemoto, R (2024). GABAB receptors induce phasic release from medial habenula terminals through activity-dependent recruitment of release-ready vesicles. PNAS, 121 (8) e2301449121. Full article here.
  3. Michalska JM, Lyudchik J, Velicky P, Štefaničková H, Watson JF, Cenameri A, Sommer C, Amberg N, Venturino A, Roessler K, Czech T, Höftberger R, Siegert S, Novarino G, Jonas P, Danzl JG (2023) Imaging brain tissue architecture across millimeter to nanometer scales. Nat Biotechnol. doi: 10.1038/s41587-023-01911-8. Full article here.
  4. Velicky P, Miguel E, Michalska JM, Lyudchik J, Wei D, Lin Z, Watson JF, Troidl J, Beyer J, Ben-Simon Y, Sommer C, Jahr W, Cenameri A, Broichhagen J, Grant SGN, Jonas P, Novarino G, Pfister H, Bickel B, Danzl JG (2023) Dense 4D nanoscale reconstruction of living brain tissue. Nature Methods, 20, 1256–1265. Full article here.
  5. Rothman JS, Borges-Merjane C, Holderith N, Jonas P, Silver RA (2023) Validation of a stereological method for estimating particle size and density from 2D projections with high accuracy. PLoS One 18:e0277148. Full article here.
  6. Sumser A, Joesch M, Jonas P, Ben-Simon Y (2022). Fast, high-throughput production of improved rabies viral vectors for specific, efficient and versatile transsynaptic retrograde labeling. eLife 11, e79848. Full article here.
  7. Ben-Simon Y, Kaefer K, Velicky P, Csicsvari J, Danzl JG, Jonas P (2022). A direct excitatory projection from entorhinal layer 6b neurons to the hippocampus contributes to spatial coding and memory. Nature Communications, 13, 4826. Full article here.
  8. Guzman JS, Schlögl A, Espinoza C, Zhang X, Suter BA, Jonas P (2021) How connectivity rules and synaptic properties shape the efficacy of pattern separation in the entorhinal cortex–dentate gyrus–CA3 network. Nature Computational Science 1:830-842. Full article here.
  9. Vandael D, Okamoto Y, Jonas P (2021) Transsynaptic modulation of presynaptic short-term plasticity in hippocampal mossy fiber synapses. Nature Communications 12:2912. Full article here.
  10. Bhandari P, Vandael D, Fernández-Fernández D, Fritzius T, Kleindienst D, Montanaro J, Gassmann M, Jonas P, Kulik A, Bettler B, Shigemoto R, Koppensteiner P (2021) GABAB receptor auxiliary subunits modulate Cav2.3-mediated release from medial habenula terminals. eLife 10, e68274. Full article here.
  11. Vandael D, Okamoto Y,  Borges-Merjane C, Vargas-Barroso V, Suter BA, Jonas P (2021) Subcellular patch-clamp techniques for single-bouton stimulation and simultaneous pre- and postsynaptic recording at cortical synapses. Nature Protocols 16: 2947–2967. Full article here.
  12. Zhang X, Schlögl A, Vandael D, Jonas P (2021) MOD: A novel machine-learning optimal-filtering method for accurate and efficient detection of subthreshold synaptic events in vivo. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 357:109125. Full article here
  13. Zhang X, Schlögl A, Jonas P (2020) Selective Routing of Spatial Information Flow from Input to Output in Hippocampal Granule Cells. Neuron 107:1212-1225. Full article here.
  14. Vandael D, Borges-Merjane C, Zhang X, Jonas P (2020) Short-Term Plasticity at Hippocampal Mossy Fiber Synapses Is Induced by Natural Activity Patterns and Associated with Vesicle Pool Engram Formation. Neuron 107:509-521.e7. Full article here.
  15. Borges-Merjane C, Kim O, Jonas P (2020) Functional Electron Microscopy (“Flash and Freeze”) of Identified Cortical Synapses in Acute Brain Slices. Neuron 105:992.1006.e6. Full article here.
  16. Espinoza C, Guzman SJ, Zhang X, Jonas P (2018) Parvalbumin+ interneurons obey unique connectivity rules and establish a powerful lateral-inhibition microcircuit in dentate gyrus. Nature Communications 9: 4605 [recommended by Faculty of 1000 Prime]. Full article here.
  17. Hu H, Roth FC, Vandael D, Jonas P (2018) Complementary tuning of Na+ and K+ channel gating underlies fast and energy-efficient action potentials in GABAergic interneuron axons. Neuron 98:156–165. Full article here.
  18. Chen C, Satterfield R, Young SM Jr, Jonas P (2017) Triple function of synaptotagmin 7 ensures efficiency of high-frequency transmission at central GABAergic synapses. Cell Rep 21:2082–2089. Full article here.
  19. Strüber M, Jonas P, Bartos M (2017) Distance-dependent inhibition facilitates focality of gamma oscillations in the dentate gyrus. Nature Communications 8:758. Full article here.
  20. Chen C, Arai I, Satterfield R, Young SM Jr, Jonas P (2017) Synaptotagmin 2 is the fast Ca2+ sensor at a central inhibitory synapse. Cell Rep 18:723–736. Full article here.
  21. Gan J, Weng S-m, Pernía-Andrade AJ, Csicsvari J, Jonas P (2017) Phase-locked inhibition, but not excitation, underlies hippocampal ripple oscillations in awake mice in vivo. Neuron 93:308–314. Full article here.
  22. Vyleta NP, Borges-Merjane C, Jonas P (2016) Plasticity-dependent, full detonation at hippocampal mossy fiber–CA3 pyramidal neuron synapses.  Elife 5:e17977. Full article here.
  23. Guzman SJ, Schlögl A, Frotscher M, Jonas P (2016) Synaptic mechanisms of pattern completion in the hippocampal CA3 network. Science 353:1117–1123. Full article here.
  24. Mishra RK, Kim S, Guzman SJ, Jonas P (2016) Symmetric spike timing-dependent plasticity at CA3–CA3 synapses optimizes storage and recall in autoassociative networks. Nature Communications 7:11552. Full article here.
  25. Kowalski J, Gan J, Jonas P, Pernía-Andrade AJ (2016) Intrinsic membrane properties determine hippocampal differential firing pattern in vivo in anesthetized rats. Hippocampus 26:668–682.  Full article here.
  26. Hammer M, Krueger-Burg D, Tuffy LP, Cooper BH, Taschenberger H, Goswami SP, Ehrenreich H, Jonas P, Varoqueaux F, Rhee JS, Brose N (2015) Perturbed hippocampal synaptic inhibition and γ-oscillations in a neuroligin-4 knockout mouse model of autism. Cell Rep 13: 516–523. Full article here.
  27. Strüber M, Jonas P, Bartos M (2015) Strength and duration of perisomatic GABAergic inhibition depend on distance between synaptically connected cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112:1220–1225. Full article here.
  28. Arai I, Jonas P (2014) Nanodomain coupling explains Ca2+ independence of transmitter release time course at a fast central synapse. Elife 3:e04057. Full article here.
  29. Hu H, Jonas P (2014) A supercritical density of Na+ channels ensures fast signaling in GABAergic interneuron axons. Nature Neuroscience 17:686–693. Full article here.
  30. Studer D, Zhao S, Chai X, Jonas P, Graber W, Nestel S, Frotscher M (2014). Capture of activity-induced ultrastructural changes at synapses by high-pressure freezing of brain tissue. Nature Protocols 9:1480–1495. Full article here.
  31. Vyleta NP, Jonas P (2014). Loose coupling between Ca2+ channels and release sensors at a plastic hippocampal synapse. Science 343:665–670. Full article here.
  32. Pernía-Andrade AJ, Jonas P (2014) Theta–gamma modulated synaptic currents in hippocampal granule cells in vivo define a mechanism for network oscillations. Neuron 81:140–152. Full article here.
  33. Hosp JA, Strüber M, Vida I, Yanagawa Y, Obata K, Jonas P, Bartos M (2014) Morpho-physiological criteria divide dentate gyrus interneurons into classes. Hippocampus 24:189–203. Full article here.
  34. Pernia-Andrade AJ, Goswami SP, Stickler Y, Fröbe U, Schlögl A, Jonas P (2012) A deconvolution-based method with high sensitivity and temporal resolution for detection of spontaneous synaptic currents in vitro and in vivo. Biophys J 103:1429–1439. Full article here.
  35. Goswami SP, Bucurenciu I, Jonas, P (2012) Miniature IPSCs in hippocampal granule cells are triggered by voltage-gated Ca2+ channels via microdomain coupling. J Neurosci 32:14294–14304. Full article here.
  36. Kim S, Guzman SJ, Hu H, Jonas P (2012) Active dendrites support efficient initiation of dendritic spikes in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons. Nature Neuroscience 15:600–606. Full article here.
  37. Eggermann E, Jonas P (2012) How the “slow” Ca2+ buffer parvalbumin affects transmitter release in nanodomain coupling regimes at GABAergic synapses. Nature Neuroscience 15:20–22. Full article here.
  38. Nörenberg A, Hu H, Vida I, Bartos M, Jonas P (2010) Distinct non-uniform cable properties optimize rapid and efficient activation of fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:894–899. Full article here.
  39. Bucurenciu I, Bischofberger J, Jonas P (2010) A small number of open Ca2+ channels trigger transmitter release at a central GABAergic synapse. Nature Neuroscience 13:19–21. Full article here.
  40. Hu H, Martina M, Jonas P (2010) Dendritic mechanisms underlying rapid synaptic activation of fast-spiking hippocampal interneurons. Science 327: 52–58. Full article here.
  41. Schwenk J, Harmel N, Zolles G, Bildl W, Kulik A, Heimrich B, Chisaka O, Jonas P, Schulte U, Fakler B, Klöcker N (2009) Functional proteomics identify Cornichon proteins as auxiliary subunits of AMPA receptors. Science 323:1313–1319. Full article here.
  42. Doischer D, Hosp JA, Yanagawa Y, Obata K, Jonas P, Vida I, Bartos M (2008) Postnatal differentiation of basket cells from slow to fast signaling devices. J Neurosci 28:12956–12968. Full article here.
  43. Kerr AM, Reisinger E, Jonas P (2008) Differential dependence of phasic transmitter release on synaptotagmin 1 at GABAergic and glutamatergic hippocampal synapses. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105:15581–15586. Full article here.
  44. Aponte Y, Bischofberger J, Jonas P (2008) Efficient Ca2+ buffering in fast-spiking basket cells of rat hippocampus. J Physiol (Lond) 586:2061–2075. Full article here.
  45. Schmidt-Hieber C, Jonas P, Bischofberger J (2008) Action potential initiation and propagation in hippocampal mossy fibre axons. J Physiol (Lond) 586:1849–1857. Full article here.
  46. Bucurenciu I, Kulik A, Schwaller B, Frotscher M, Jonas P (2008) Nanodomain coupling between Ca2+ channels and Ca2+ sensors promotes fast and efficient transmitter release at a cortical GABAergic synapse. Neuron 57:536–545. Full article here.
  47. Li L, Bischofberger J, Jonas P (2007) Differential gating and recruitment of P/Q-, N-, and R-type Ca2+ channels in hippocampal mossy fiber boutons. J Neurosci 27:13420–13429. Full article here.
  48. Rollenhagen A, Sätzler K, Rodríguez EP, Jonas P, Frotscher M, Lübke JHR (2007) Structural determinants of transmission at large hippocampal mossy fiber synapses. J Neurosci 27:10434–10444. Full article here.
  49. Schmidt-Hieber C, Jonas P, Bischofberger J (2007) Subthreshold dendritic signal processing and coincidence detection in dentate gyrus granule cells. J Neurosci 27:8430–8441. Full article here.
  50. Bischofberger J, Engel D, Li L, Geiger JRP, Jonas P (2006) Patch-clamp recording from mossy fiber terminals in hippocampal slices. Nature Protocols 1:2075–2081. Full article here.
  51. Aponte Y, Lien CC, Reisinger E, Jonas P (2006) Hyperpolarization-activated cation channels in fast-spiking interneurons of rat hippocampus. J Physiol (Lond) 574:229–243. Full article here.
  52. Vida I, Bartos M, Jonas P (2006) Shunting inhibition improves robustness of gamma oscillations in hippocampal interneuron networks by homogenizing firing rates. Neuron 49:107–117 [see comment by Mann EO, Paulsen O (2006) Neuron 49:8–9]. Full article here.
  53. Hefft S, Jonas P (2005) Asynchronous GABA release generates long-lasting inhibition at a hippocampal interneuron–principal neuron synapse. Nature Neuroscience 8:1319–1328. Full article here.
  54. Engel D, Jonas P (2005) Presynaptic action potential amplification by voltage-gated Na+ channels in hippocampal mossy fiber boutons. Neuron 45:405–417. Full article here.
  55. Schmidt-Hieber C, Jonas P, Bischofberger J (2004) Enhanced synaptic plasticity in newly generated granule cells of the adult hippocampus. Nature 429:184–187. Full article here.
  56. Oliver D, Lien C-C, Soom M, Baukrowitz T, Jonas P, Fakler B (2004) Functional conversion between A-type and delayed rectifier K+ channels by membrane lipids. Science 304:265–270 [see comment by Hilgemann DW (2004) Science 304:223–224]. Full article here.
  57. Kampa BM, Clements J, Jonas P, Stuart GJ (2004) Kinetics of Mg2+ unblock of NMDA receptors: Implications for spike-timing dependent synaptic plasticity. J Physiol (Lond) 556:337–345. Full article here.
  58. Hallermann S, Pawlu C, Jonas P, Heckmann M (2003) A large pool of releasable vesicles in a cortical glutamatergic synapse. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100:8975–8980. Full article here.
  59. Lien CC, Jonas P (2003) Kv3 potassium conductance is necessary and kinetically optimized for high-frequency action potential generation in hippocampal interneurons. J Neurosci 23:2058–2068. Full article here.
  60. Bischofberger J, Geiger JRP, Jonas P (2002) Timing and efficacy of Ca2+ channel activation in hippocampal mossy fiber boutons. J Neurosci 22:10593–10602. Full article here.
  61. Bartos M, Vida I, Frotscher M, Meyer A, Monyer H, Geiger JRP, Jonas P (2002) Fast synaptic inhibition promotes synchronized gamma oscillations in hippocampal interneuron networks. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 99:13222–13227. Full article here.
  62. Hefft S, Kraushaar U, Geiger JRP, Jonas P (2002) Presynaptic short-term depression is maintained during regulation of transmitter release at a GABAergic synapse in rat hippocampus. J Physiol (Lond) 539:201–208. Full article here.
  63. Lien CC, Martina M, Schultz JH, Ehmke H, Jonas P (2002) Gating, modulation and subunit composition of voltage-gated K+ channels in dendritic inhibitory interneurones of rat hippocampus. J Physiol (Lond) 538:405–419. Full article here.
  64. Geiger JRP, Bischofberger J, Vida I, Fröbe U, Pfitzinger S, Weber HJ, Haverkampf K, Jonas P (2002) Patch-clamp recording in brain slices with improved slicer technology. Pflügers Arch 443:491–501. Full article here.
  65. Alle H, Jonas P, Geiger JRP (2001) PTP and LTP at a hippocampal mossy fiber-interneuron synapse. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98:14708–14713. Full article here.
  66. Jerecic J, Schulze CH, Jonas P, Sprengel R, Seeburg PH, Bischofberger J (2001) Impaired NMDA receptor function in mouse olfactory bulb neurons by tetracycline-sensitive NR1 (N598R) expression. Mol Br Res 94:96–104. Full article here.
  67. Jones MV, Jonas P, Sahara Y, Westbrook GL (2001) Microscopic kinetics and energetics distinguish GABAA receptor agonists from antagonists. Biophys J 81:2660–2670. Full article here.
  68. Bartos M, Vida I, Frotscher M, Geiger JRP, Jonas P (2001) Rapid signaling at inhibitory synapses in a dentate gyrus interneuron network. J Neurosci 21:2687–2698. Full article here.
  69. Geiger JRP, Jonas P (2000) Dynamic control of presynaptic Ca2+ inflow by fast-inactivating K+ channels in hippocampal mossy fiber boutons. Neuron 28:927–939. Full article here.
  70. Martina M, Vida I, Jonas P (2000) Distal initiation and active propagation of action potentials in interneuron dendrites. Science 287:295–300. Full article here.
  71. Normann C, Peckys D, Schulze CH, Walden J, Jonas P, Bischofberger J (2000) Associative long-term depression in the hippocampus is dependent on postsynaptic N-type Ca2+. J Neurosci 20:8290–8297. Full article here.
  72. Kraushaar U, Jonas P (2000) Efficacy and stability of quantal GABA release at a hippocampal interneuron-principal neuron synapse. J Neurosci 20:5594–5607. Full article here.
  73. Martina M, Schultz JH, Ehmke H, Monyer H, Jonas P (1998) Functional and molecular differences between voltage-gated K+ channels of fast-spiking interneurons and pyramidal neurons of rat hippocampus. J Neurosci 18:8111–8125. Full article here.
  74. Jonas P, Bischofberger J, Sandkühler J (1998) Corelease of two fast neurotransmitters at a central synapse. Science 281:419–424. Full article here.
  75. Bischofberger J, Jonas P (1997) Action potential propagation into the presynaptic dendrites of rat mitral cells. J Physiol (Lond) 504:359–365. Full article here.
  76. Martina M, Jonas P (1997) Functional differences in Na+ channel gating between fast-spiking interneurones and principal neurones in rat hippocampus. J Physiol (Lond) 505:593–603. Full article here.
  77. Geiger JRP, Lübke J, Roth A, Frotscher M, Jonas P (1997) Submillisecond AMPA receptor-mediated signaling at a principal neuron-interneuron synapse. Neuron 18:1009–1023. Full article here.
  78. Ceranik K, Bender R, Geiger JRP, Monyer H, Jonas P, Frotscher M,  Lübke J (1997) A novel type of GABAergic interneuron connecting the input and the output regions of the hippocampus. J Neurosci 17:5380–5394. Full article here.
  79. Götz T, Kraushaar U, Geiger J, Lübke J, Berger T, Jonas P (1997) Functional properties of AMPA and NMDA receptors expressed in identified types of basal ganglia neurons. J Neurosci 17:204–215. Full article here.
  80. Koh DS, Burnashev N, Jonas P (1995) Block of native Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors in rat brain by intracellular polyamines generates double rectification. J Physiol (Lond) 486:305–312. Full article here.
  81. Geiger JRP, Melcher T, Koh DS, Sakmann B, Seeburg PH, Jonas P*, Monyer H (1995) Relative abundance of subunit mRNAs determines gating and Ca2+ permeability of AMPA receptors in principal neurons and interneurons in rat CNS. Neuron 15:193–204. Full article here.
  82. Koh DS, Geiger JRP, Jonas P, Sakmann B (1995) Ca2+-permeable AMPA and NMDA receptor channels in basket cells of rat hippocampal dentate gyrus. J Physiol (Lond) 485:383–402. Full article here.
  83. Spruston N, Jonas P, Sakmann B (1995) Dendritic glutamate receptor channels in rat hippocampal CA3 and CA1 pyramidal neurons. J Physiol (Lond) 482:325–352. Full article here.
  84. Jonas P, Racca C, Sakmann B, Seeburg PH, Monyer H (1994) Differences in Ca2+ permeability of AMPA-type glutamate receptor channels in neocortical neurons caused by differential GluR-B subunit expression. Neuron 12:1281–1289. Full article here.
  85. Major G, Larkman AU, Jonas P, Sakmann B, Jack JJB (1994) Detailed passive cable models of whole-cell recorded CA3 pyramidal neurons in rat hippocampal slices. J Neurosci 14:4613–4638. Full article here.
  86. Koh DS, Jonas P, Vogel W (1994) Na+-activated K+ channels localized in the nodal region of myelinated axons of Xenopus. J Physiol (Lond) 479:183–197. Full article here.
  87. Jonas P, Major G, Sakmann B (1993) Quantal components of unitary EPSCs at the mossy fibre synapse on CA3 pyramidal cells of rat hippocampus. J Physiol (Lond) 472:615–663. Full article here.
  88. Ruppersberg JP, Ermler M, Knopf M, Kues W, Jonas P, Koenen M (1993) Properties of Shaker-homologous potassium channels expressed in the mammalian brain. Cell Physiol Biochem 3:250–269. Full article here.
  89. Koh DS, Jonas P, Bräu ME, Vogel W (1992) A TEA-insensitive flickering potassium channel active around the resting potential in myelinated nerve. J Membrane Biol 130:149–162. Full article here.
  90. Colquhoun D, Jonas P, Sakmann B (1992) Action of brief pulses of glutamate on AMPA/kainate receptors in patches from different neurones of rat hippocampal slices. J Physiol (Lond) 458:261–287. Full article here.
  91. Jonas P, Sakmann B (1992) Glutamate receptor channels in isolated patches from CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cells of rat hippocampal slices. J Physiol (Lond) 455:143–171. Full article here.
  92. Burnashev N, Khodorova A, Jonas P, Helm PJ, Wisden W, Monyer H, Seeburg PH, Sakmann B (1992) Calcium-permeable AMPA-kainate receptors in fusiform cerebellar glial cells. Science 256:1566–1570. Full article here.
  93. Jonas P, Koh DS, Kampe K, Hermsteiner M, Vogel W (1991) ATP-sensitive and Ca-activated K channels in vertebrate axons: novel links between metabolism and excitability. Pflügers Arch 418:68–73. Full article here.
  94. Bräu ME, Dreyer F, Jonas P, Repp H, Vogel W (1990) A K+ channel in Xenopus nerve fibres selectively blocked by bee and snake toxins: binding and voltage-clamp experiments. J Physiol (Lond) 420:365–385. Full article here.
  95. Jonas P, Bräu ME, Hermsteiner M, Vogel W (1989) Single-channel recording in myelinated nerve fibers reveals one type of Na channel but different K channels. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 86:7238–7242. Full article here.
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  1. Vandael D and Jonas P (2024) Structure, biophysics, and circuit function of a “giant” cortical presynaptic terminal. Science, 383, eadg6757. Full article here.
  2. Zhang X, Jonas P (2020) Integration of spatial and non-spatial information by heterogeneous dentate gyrus granule cells. J Life Sci 2, 19-24. Full article here.
  3. Chen C, Jonas P (2017) Synaptotagmins: That’s why so many. Neuron 94:694–696. Full article here.
  4. Vandael DHF, Espinoza C, Jonas P (2015) Excitement about inhibitory presynaptic terminals. Neuron 85:1149–1151. Full article here.
  5. Jonas P, Lisman J (2014) Structure, function, and plasticity of hippocampal dentate gyrus microcircuits. Front Neural Circuits 8, 107. Full article here.
  6. Hu H, Gan J, Jonas P (2014) Fast-spiking, parvalbumin+ GABAergic interneurons: From cellular design to microcircuit function. Science 345, DOI: 1126/science.1255263. Full article here.
  7. Eggermann E, Bucurenciu I, Goswami SP, Jonas P (2012) Nanodomain coupling between Ca2+ channels and sensors of exocytosis at fast mammalian synapses. Nat Rev Neuroscience 13:7–21. Full article here.
  8. Pernía-Andrade A, Jonas P (2011) The multiple faces of RIM. Neuron 69:185–187. Full article here.
  9. Guzman SJ, Jonas P (2010) Beyond TARPs: the growing list of auxiliary AMPAR subunits. Neuron 66:8–10. Full article here.
  10. Jonas P, Hefft S (2010) GABA release at terminals of CCK-interneurons: synchrony, asynchrony, and modulation by cannabinoid. Eur J Neurosci 31:1194–1195. Full article here.
  11. Kerr AM, Jonas P (2008) The two sides of hippocampal mossy fiber plasticity. Neuron 57:5–7. Full article here.
  12. Bartos M, Vida I, Jonas P (2007) Synaptic mechanisms of synchronized gamma oscillations in inhibitory interneuron networks. Nat Rev Neuroscience 8:45–56. Full article here.
  13. Frotscher M, Jonas P, Sloviter R (2006) Synapses formed by normal and abnormal hippocampal mossy fibers. Cell Tissue Res 326:361–367. Full article here.
  14. Bischofberger J, Engel D, Frotscher M, Jonas, P (2006) Mechanisms underlying the efficacy of transmitter release at mossy fiber synapses in the hippocampal network. Pflügers Arch Eur J Physiol 453:361–372. Full article here.
  15. Jonas P, Bischofberger J, Fricker D, Miles R (2004) Interneuron diversity series: Fast in, fast out – temporal and spatial signal processing in hippocampal interneurons. TINS 27:30–40. Full article here.
  16. Bischofberger J, Jonas P (2002) TwoB or not TwoB: differential transmission at glutamatergic mossy fiber-interneuron synapses in the hippocampus. TINS 25:600–603. Full article here.
  17. Jonas P (2000) The time course of signaling at central glutamatergic synapses. NIPS 15:83–89. Full article here.
  18. Melcher T, Geiger JRP, Jonas P, Monyer H (1996) Analysis of molecular determinants in native AMPA receptors. Neurochem Int 28:141–144. Full article here.
  19. Jonas P, Burnashev N (1995) Molecular mechanisms controlling calcium entry through AMPA-type glutamate receptor channels. Neuron 15:987–990. Full article here.
  20. Jonas P, Spruston N (1994) Mechanisms shaping glutamate-mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents in the CNS. Curr Opin Neurobiol 4:366–372. Full article here.




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  5. Monyer H, Jonas P, Rossier J (1999) Molecular determinants controlling functional properties of AMPARs and NMDARs in the mammalian CNS. In: Handbook of experimental pharmacology Vol. 141 (Jonas P, Monyer H, eds), 309–339. Berlin:Springer Verlag.
  6. Catania MV, Weishaupt J, Melcher T, Geiger JRP, Jonas P, Monyer H (1996). Glutamate receptor subunit composition in principal neurons and interneurons of the central nervous system. In: Excitatory amino acids and the cerebral cortex (F Conti, TP Hicks, eds), pp. 45–52. Cambridge MA:MIT press.
  7. Jonas P (1995) Fast application of agonists to isolated membrane patches. In: Single-channel recording (Sakmann B, Neher E, eds), pp. 231–243. New York:Plenum.
  8. Monyer H, Jonas P (1995) Polymerase chain reaction analysis of ion channel expression in single neurons of brain slices. In: Single-channel recording (Sakmann B, Neher E, eds), 357–373. New York:Plenum.
  9. von Kitzing E, Jonas P, Sakmann B (1994) Quantal analysis of excitatory postsynaptic currents at the hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 pyramidal cell synapse. In: Molecular and cellular mechanisms of neurotransmitter release, pp. 235– New York:Raven Press.
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  1. Jonas P, Buzsáki G (2007) Neural inhibition. Scholarpedia 2:3286. Full article here.
  2. Guzmán J, Sendin G, Jonas P (2017) Patch-clamp 2.0 – die nächste Generation der Patch-Clamp-Methode. Full article here.
